Many teachers like to have 'Quick-Launch' icons with 'Show Desktop' on the lower left of the screen.
How to add;
Need to use:
%APPDATA%\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch
We (AV Pro Education) have found that many teachers now (in 2017/2018) enjoy the use of Win10 OS and Office 2016/365 with Word and Excel.
When we provide support to our education clients, we find that the below software and settings are optimal for many of the interactive AV systems installed in QLD Schools.
Below images are provided for illustrative purposes only, and new Windows and Office updates released by Microsoft over time; may alter how the screen shots below will appear.
please email us on
if you find any info below to be out-of-date.
Thank you,
-AVP Management and Training team
Using Epson interactive Tools:
Many teachers select 'one click to open' folder options for touch screens, this setting is found here:
1. Open any folder
2. Select 'Change folder and search options' from 'Options' under the 'View Menu'
3. Select; 'Single-click to open an item'
Many teachers like to 'pin accessibility keyboard' to get a floating keyboard from a single click.
How to;
Start->Settings->Ease of Access
Keyboard(from left)->'Turn on the On-Screen Keyboard'
Then, right click it (in taskbar) and pin.
Below; Shows 'PC' selected, when you are NOT in 'White-Boarding' mode.
Many teachers like to use VLC for playing video with touch-screen systems (as it supports many touch-screen gesture controls - and this is FREE software!) - Get from;
Teachers that like to make a video of a lesson (based on what is on their screen) may like to use OBS - Free screen capture software, get this here;
The image on right (top) shows setting the page to 'Orientation', 'Landscape' [from the 'Layout' tab]
Then, from the 'Draw' tab, you can select the pen tool you want directly from Word.
You will notice the 'Red Arrow' sowing the pens, and the 'Green Arrow' is noting the 'Ink Replay' - if you want to take the students back over the times you made an annotation.
Many teachers like to have 'never combine' in Taskbar settings when using as a touch screen - settings via; Right-click on taskbar, select: 'Taskbar settings
see pic on right.
Excel has the same 'Draw' tools built in.
When you use the Microsoft 'Draw' (inking) tools, the notes you make can be saved in to the document, and removed or edited later - you are not 'altering' the document or cells, and this may make you feel more comfortable to use the inking tools as part of your lesson delivery, from documents you already have ready to go in you existing saved files.
Below; Shows 'Whiteboarding' mode selected.
Using G-View [GK-Board] interactive Tools:
Many teachers use the above Epson interactive tools (or the 'Draw' tools built in-to Word and Excel) INSTEAD of 'special' software that is included with more 'advanced' interactive systems.
We (AV Pro Education) support the G-View software in Australia, however, we find that for 95% of the 'everyday' lesson delivery, the Epson and Microsoft tools are BETTER for general use! (in our opinion this also applies to OTHER brands of 'special' software - we support teachers that have older programs by; SMART, Promethean and Hitachi (and others) installed, as they may want to use this 'older' software with a new interactive touch-screen &/or Epson interactive projectors. But, please consider the above sections of this page, as you review what software will best fit your needs in 2017/2018...
NOTE: One big feature of the G-View software is the 'screen cap' function, any teacher that wants to take a video of a lesson; should consider using this part of the FREE G-View software! (this is marked with the RED Arrow on the below image)
This can also flow on to the use of the G-View software to make a PDF instruction set, taking screen caps directly from video.
More on this can be found in our video - CLICK HERE - to watch...
Many teachers like to have Epson interactive tools installed, as an alternative to the inking tools built in-to Word and Excel.
The main reason for this is: 'quick notes' on ANY screen (a web-site, a video, a pdf and anything on your screen)
The Epson tools are free for education use (no licence code or key required to install, and your local EQ admin rights will allow install with no ticket or request from the IT support team)
The Epson tools are also one of the best for 'White-Boarding' and using your laptop's in-built web-came for class activities.
CLICK HERE - for one of our demo videos on Epson Interactive Tools
Using Word and Excel with interactive systems:
RIGHT: Shows the 'floating tools' with the 'Mouse' selected, for 'non inking' use of the PC.
Teachers in schools with 'poor' internet connections and in remote locations may need to keep a local copy of 'internet video' content for educational display *NOTE: Please ensure you observe and obey applicable terms or use and copyrights BEFORE using ANY of the below services!
ABC iView downloader info page:
RIGHT: Shows the 'floating tools' that you see in 'White-Boarding' mode.
Using VLC Player and adding Quck-launch to win10...